加拿大與日本、泰國展開貿易談判加拿大總理Stephen Harper於近日表示,自加拿大與日本依據去年2月雙邊協議深究簽訂經濟夥伴協定的可行性後,雙邊終於宣布正式開啟自由貿易協定談判的決定深獲加拿大農、漁業界肯定。聯邦政府發布的新聞稿指出,與日本簽訂雙邊自由貿易協定可望提升加拿大GDP(國內生結婚西裝產總值)38億美元,帶動出口日本成長67%。加拿大積極協商日本提供其農、林、漁產品及工業用品零關稅優惠。2011年加拿大出口日本產值為108億美元,以礦物燃料及石油、油籽、礦砂、木材、水產品及肉品為大宗;2011年加拿大自日本進口產值為131.3億美元,以車輛、機械為主。2011年加拿大出口價值39.5億貸款美元的農、漁產品至日本。加拿大亦著手與泰國展開簽訂自由貿易協定可行性的協商,並進一步就自由貿易協定有否助於經濟發展及加強現行雙邊關係等進行評估工作。2011年加拿大出口泰國產值為83,900萬美元,以木質紙漿、穀物及肥料為最大宗;加拿大去年自泰國進口總值為27億美元,以電子設備、肉品、烹房屋貸款調水產品為最大宗。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 6/2012,2 April 2012)TRADE TALKS WITH JAPAN AND THAILAND LAUNCHED Canadian agriculture and fisheries companies are hailing the decision by Canada and Japan to launch formal negotiations toward a free trade agreement, Prime 機車借款Minister Stephen Harper made the announcement recently. A bilateral free trade deal with Japan could increase Canada’s gross domestic product by C$3.8 billion (US$3.8 billion) and boost exports to Japan by as much as 67%, the federal government said in a release. Canada 酒店經紀will also pursue ‘exploratory discussions’ toward a free trade deal with Thailand. In its talks with Japan, Canada would seek the elimination of Japan’s tariffs across a broad range of sectors, including agriculture, fish and seafood, forestry and industrial goods. The 小型辦公室announcement follows the two countries’ agreement in February last year to study the potential for an ‘economic partnership’ deal. Canada’s main exports to Japan in 2011 were valued at C$10.7 billion (US$10.8 billion) and consisted of mineral fuels and oils, oilseeds, 訂做禮服mineral ores, wood, seafood and meat. Canada’s imports from Japan in 2011 were worth C$13 billion (US$13.13 billion), mainly in motor vehicles and machinery. Canada exported C$3.95 billion in agri-food and seafood exports to Japan in 2011. Meanwhile, Canada’s ‘exploratory 資產管理公司talks’ with Thailand are expected to examine the potential economic benefits of a free trade agreement and how such an agreement would enhance the existing relationship between the two countries. Canadian exports to Thailand in 2011 were valued at C$839 million, mainly in 澎湖民宿wood pulp, cereal and fertilizer, while imports from Thailand last year totaled C$2.7 billion, mostly in electrical and electronic equipment, meat and fish preparation.

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